Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What "Do" You Eat?

I hear this a lot when I tell people that we eat a plant based diet.  I will admit that I love salad, so I eat lots of salad, but Craig and I eat other foods as well.  A plant based diet encourages you to eat as many plant based foods such as fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, beans, etc.  If it grows in the ground, it is a plant and we eat the plants that are edible.  Of course you knew we weren't eating trees and bark, right?  Right?  

Here is what we eat on a typical day.  For breakfast, I make many different versions of Green Smoothies.  They aren't always the color green, but they are called that because we add some form of green plant.  My favorite greens are celery, kale and spinach.  I also choose from cucumber, parsley, beet greens, chard, and lettuce.  I add a banana for their sweetness and then I choose from the fruit I have on hand. 

Today I added half a blender full of fresh kale from my garden, strawberries, banana, blueberries, Mexican papaya, and some coconut water to get it started.  Then I added a few frozen peach slices  to make it nice and cold.    Blend it up and yummm  Breakfast is served.

For Lunch, I make some form of Salad.  Here are some of the  creations I have made over the last few days.
Carrot, radish, cabbage, spinach, garden lettuce, red onion, yellow bell pepper, yellow and red cherry tomatoes, baby greens from the garden.

Garden lettuce, spinach, green peas, cucumbers, white radishes, avocado, red and yellow cherry tomatoes, carrots, red onion, raw sunflower seeds - and yes that is a hard boiled egg and a pinch of cheese.

Here is a Dinner we had last weekend while we were camping in our trailer.    Amy's Garden burger, thin bun, plus a garden salad.  I like a little veganaise (mayo made with grape seed oil) and mustard.  Craig loves his with lots and lots of Ketchup.

Other things we eat for Dinner are grain and noodle and bean based.  With of course lots of veggies.  We do eat eggs occasionally, a little cheese, and once in a while we eat fish and even fewer times we eat organic chicken breast, but we are not eating beef.  We believe in eating meat sparingly.  So that is what I eat, no sign of trees or bark anywhere. 

Yup, it's a Salad Life for me.

Stay tuned for some yummy plant based recipes.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Meet Merit

Merit is our pet dog.  He is a Purebred Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie).  We purchased him from a breeder who had high hopes for him to be a show dog.  He grew too tall so could not compete so we were able to obtain him as a pet.  We love him, although he does have several really annoying quirks.  He is afraid of everything. 

We have worked almost two years to help him adjust to the world, but he just isn't happy with noise, men, anyone carrying parcels or anything for that sake.  I watched an episode of Dog Whisperer where he said he would rather train a mean and vicious dog than a scared shy dog.  Wow, that doesn't give me much hope. 

He has progressed, but don't get me wrong because we love him.  I just wish I could make his world a little less stressful.  Here are some fun pictures of him.  Look at that cute face, he isn't too happy about posing.  He has dark eyes, so they don't show up in the photos which gives him a bear look.

I love Car Rides and Treats

Tiger is giving Merit his morning Tail Hug.

Are you sure I am supposed to sit in the flower Beds?

Love my ball.

I Love Snow

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Here's to Chlorophyll

Despite the crazy weather we are having, I have managed to pick a mountain of greens from my garden.  I thinned out the kale, kohlrabi, spinach, collard, turnip, lettuce and cabbage.  They are around 4 inches now and needed some growing room.  I combined the baby greens and filled enough zip bags for  neighbors and several family members, and of course I kept a big pile for us.

Buttercrunch and red sails lettuce. I learned a valuable lesson picking the lettuce - beware of hornets hiding in the leaves.  Ouch! 

Most the spinach is bolting to seed, so I have to pick it quickly.  The weather is just not stable enough to produce a longer growing season for spinach.

From the herb garden we have parsley and cilantro (which is also bolting)

The green that is taking over my rock wall -  Mint.

And the newest addition to the harvest - snap peas.

We will be eating a very green diet this week.  Yummmmmmmy Chlorophyll.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sewing with Grandma

I had my granddaughters over to teach them how to sew.  We had a blast.  First they each received their very own grown up sewing kit.  I feel it is important to have the real tools so they are not frustrated with toy types that do not do as good as job.  Nothing is more frustrating than cutting with inferior scissors.  So we started with good tools.   

Next they learned to mark and cut their fabric

Now they were ready to start sewing a skirt.

And then they learned how to serge.

And of course they have to learn how to iron.

They finished by adding some fun Trim they had each chosen and then it was time for Lunch.

A little more sewing and we were finished.  But before we had our fashion photo shoot, we had a little Tea Party.  Dolly didn't make it to the party, but the three of us had a wonderful time.

While the girls were getting the invitations ready for the tea party, Grandma (that's me), used my embroidery machine to sew on matching appliques on a white T-shirt so they would have a complete outfit.  Of course we had to go to the dollar store to complete the ensemble with flip flops with flower clips, hats, bags, and sunglasses.  Now we can have the Fashion  Shoot!
What a Fun Day!  now Grandma needs a big long Nap.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Playing with Angels

I have started a new Block of the month class with a beautiful quilt by Kookaurra Cottage.  It is called Playing with Angels.  So far I am on block 3.  The fabrics I am using are a little brighter than this picture.

Isn't it great!
Playing with Angels - Block of the Month

Monday, June 6, 2011

Just a Bit of Humor

I saw these cards at Sapling Press, and could not restrain myself.  I hope you enjoy a good laugh, too.  Think I'll buy a few.

dear fork, letterpress carddear girls. letterpress carddear noah. letterpress card

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lettuce Pot

I purchased some nice lettuce transplants a month ago and planted a Lettuce Pot.  It is on my back porch where I can go and snip at will.  Supposedly there is a tomato plant in the middle.  Don't know if it will survive.  I also planted some Nasturtium flowers.  Did you know you can eat the flower and the leaves?  They taste a little spicy like radish.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Embroidery Club

My Saturdays are filled with friends and sewing clubs.  Last Saturday I attended a Machine Embroidery Club.  The ladies are all so talented.   Jan made a pillow from old levis and embroidered a design on the bottom.

Ruth made a beautiful childs quilt which was machine embroidered with fun animals.  Sorry for the poor picture quality.